Many people use Navigator as a more generic browsing tool, a web page creator, a game creation tool, a calendar and address book creator, and whatever else they'd want to put on it. You can browse the web in Netscape Navigator, but not really browse the web in any way other than just viewing the Netscape Navigator browser. Netscape Navigator is no Firefox, as you might think. Unlike some of its competitors who try to add various bundled features, feature-filled modules, and other "fluff" to the web browser, Netscape Navigator is strictly a web browser, using almost exclusively the HTML code that creates the web page. Netscape Navigator isn't your traditional web browser. The new Navigator doesn't have many bugs associated with it like the old Navigator, and it does have some nice features that differentiate it from Firefox. Netscape Navigator is an Internet browsers only release (and it's not compatible with Macs, at all!) It's based on the old Mozilla Firefox browser engine, and while Netscape does claim that their web renderer is faster than Firefox, the fact is that this is largely a comparison between the old engine and new, lightweight coders trying to compete with Mozilla.